Volunteer Information

You Make This Tournament Possible

As we celebrate our 20th annual Boeing Classic, we thank you for your hard work and dedication in volunteering for this year’s event. 

The Boeing Classic has built a stellar reputation for your efforts all across the PGA Tour Champions. Your work has enabled the tournament to win numerous awards and recognition from the PGA and its players. 

With your assistance, the tournament has also raised over $9 million dollars for the Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health and other local charities. Your contributions to the Boeing Classic have truly helped change lives of many, and we are very appreciative of your support. 

Learn more about volunteering and register below.

Volunteer Registration

Make your mark on this year’s tournament.

Volunteer Handbook

Everything you need to know about volunteering at this year’s Boeing Classic. 

Committee Descriptions

The front line in helping to make the tournament spectators’ experience a positive one, this committee sells admission tickets, manages and distributes wristbands, dispenses golfer pairing sheets, and greets spectators at the main tournament entry point. Additionally, these volunteers assist spectators with their on-site experience by providing key information and answering questions at various locations on the course. As an information rover, you will be stationed at information booths near the entrance and in the hospitality areas, and you will also roam in high-traffic locations to ensure fans have all the guidance they need to enjoy their time at the Boeing Classic.

Requirements: Admissions/spectator services must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the admissions/spectator services committee.

Take part in the behind-the-scenes magic of television in support of The Golf Channel broadcast. Volunteers may be stationed at a particular hole as a spotter, while others may walk with a designated player group to provide real-time updates. Other duties may include operating a golf cart as driver and assisting the camera crew with equipment. 

Requirements: Volunteers for this committee need a basic understanding of golf, must be in good physical condition, and be able to walk the golf course. Broadcast volunteers must register for and work all three days on the broadcast committee: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Start times for Saturday and Sunday will be determined by the Golf Channel based on their broadcast time and may vary from the times listed.   

One of the busiest locations on the course, caddie services volunteers will assist the pros’ hard-working assistants through caddie registration, issuing bibs caddies wear during competition, providing snacks and beverages, and transporting caddies to and from the caddie’s parking lot.

Requirements: Caddie services and caddie shuttle driver volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the caddies services committee.

Stationed at the golf course clubhouse, you will transport caddies to and from the parking lot (Lot C) that is designated specially for the caddies.

Requirements: Caddie shuttle drivers must be 21 years of age, carry a valid driver’s license, and have a clean driving record. They also must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the caddie shuttle committee.

Carts/shuttles volunteers are responsible for driving players and volunteers to various places along the course. Specifically, this may include transporting volunteer marshals to assigned work areas prior to tournament play, players/caddies between specific holes during play, and transporting volunteer marshals back from assignments to Volunteer Village at the end of play.

Other duties may be added as needed or as the tournament requires. Shifts begin an hour before play and will end an hour after play during the tournament. Prior cart/shuttles experience is preferred.

Requirements: Adherence to proper golf etiquette and to the cart operator safety rules is mandatory. All cart/shuttle volunteers must have a valid driver’s license and be physically capable of safely operating a golf cart.

Marshals are the largest group of volunteers on the course, assisting players and spectators alike. Placed strategically on every hole, marshals help to keep play proceeding smoothly by watching for errant shots and providing gallery control. It is also the goal of the marshals to help spectators find the optimal view of play and ensure the experience is an enjoyable one for everyone taking part in the experience. Some knowledge of golf is desirable, but not necessary. Walking is involved. Shift times for Friday-Sunday are approximate, depending on the start time of tournament play and specific hole assignment. They will be approximately 6 hours in length. Volunteers will be notified of the actual shift times when they receive their hole assignments.

Requirements: Course Marshal volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two shifts either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. The Pro-Am shifts, Wednesday and Thursday, do not count toward the 2 minimum shift requirements for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

The hydration committee uses golf carts to provide ice and liquid refreshments to designated tees throughout the golf course and other clients located around the golf course clubhouse, Volunteer Village, practice facilities, and the caddie services center.

Additionally, this committee monitors inventory of ice and beverages and coordinates restocking supplies.

Requirements: Ability to lift and carry 20–40-pound bags of ice and cases of water for a distance on uneven surfaces is required. Attention to safety is mandatory. Knowledge of golf etiquette and prior shuttle cart experience is preferred. Hydration committee volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the hydration committee.    

It is critical to keep those who aren’t at the golf course aware of what’s happening, so for that we rely upon the media covering the tournament throughout the week. Duties include: Assisting in the media center to register media members, driving media members to various locations, answering phones, assisting photographers, posting golf scores, and more.  

Requirements: Media center volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the media center committee.

Before, during, and after the tournament, you can be a part of assisting the Tour Champions pros, PGA officials, and tournament officials with their transportation needs. Members of this committee are the first to meet the participants and the last to see them after the tournament. Responsibilities may include driving tournament shuttle vehicles and rental cars to their designated location(s), assisting the PGA pros and other officials during their time in the Seattle area, and other duties as assigned.

Volunteers are needed three days prior to tournament week, each day of tournament week, and up to two days following. The committee provides on-demand services. Shift times for all days are estimates, depending on the start time of tournament play and specific assignments; shifts can be six (6) hours in length or longer and may include early mornings or late evenings. Flexibility in scheduling is strongly desired. Volunteers will be notified of the actual shift times as far in advance as possible. 

Requirements: Player transportation volunteers must be 21 years of age, carry a valid driver’s license, and have a clean driving record. Player transportation volunteers must also register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the player transportation committee.

It is where most of the pros start and finish their day of golf, and much of our work is right there with the players and caddies.

On this committee, you will help maintain the driving range and short game practice areas, ensuring golf balls are available for practice; cleaning, sorting, and bagging golf balls; keeping track of player name signs and other activities. Light physical activity, such as lifting (40 lbs. or less) and bending over, may be required. Work shifts will be assigned at a minimum of four hours.

Requirements: Practice facilities volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the practice facilities committee.    

The pro-am provides a unique opportunity for amateur golfers to enjoy playing alongside some of the biggest names in golf, with the event contributing greatly to the charitable proceeds raised for the Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health.

In helping to give our participants a first-class experience, you will play an integral role coordinating all the logistics of the two-day event, including registering players, distributing tee prizes, distributing photos for the pros to autograph, framing photos, and distributing photos to members of each foursome. Additional responsibilities include taking and handling players’ food orders on the course, confirming holes-in-one, monitoring tee shots, tagging golf bags as they are unloaded in the bag drop area, working in the golf cart staging area to set up golf bags on carts, and welcoming and assisting the amateur players with anything they might need prior to starting their golf round.  

Many positions require physical activity, such as lifting and carrying golf bags and boxes. If you are unable to perform lifting and/or walking around the course, please inform us so that you may be assigned to a position that is less strenuous. You will assist with cleaning and moving carts after each shift, should arrive a half an hour early for the afternoon shift, and may need to stay a half an hour late for both shifts, so plan accordingly. Starting tee times for each shift both days are 7:00 a.m. and 12:20 p.m. This is not a “shotgun start”, so players will start off at #1 and #10 tees for much of the early morning and early afternoon. It is anticipated that participants golfing in the afternoon will continue until they have completed all 18 holes, which may extend their finish beyond 7:00 p.m. 

Requirements: Pro-am volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the pro-am committee. 

Volunteer standard bearers are an integral part of the Boeing Classic, offering close-up views across three tournament days. Volunteers are assigned to walk 18 holes with a playing group (approximately 5 hours) in varying weather conditions and across elevation changes while carrying the scoring sign (standard), which weighs approximately 5 pounds. This is an important and physically demanding role. Standard bearers partner with the Walking Scorers to ensure player scores displayed are accurate. Volunteer shift start times are approximate and may vary with official tournament tee-time changes. This committee has limited number of volunteer spots and is expected to fill quickly.

Requirements: Standard bearers volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the standard bearers committee.   

The tournament’s corporate partners are a significant source of revenue and promotional value for the Boeing Classic. At various hospitality locations, including the 18th and 14th holes, volunteers will greet guests and politely assert themselves to ensure “quiet” in the Skyboxes at critical times of play. This position involves walking unassisted, standing for long periods of time, and longer shift times. This assignment requires volunteers pay close attention to play on the course as well as ensuring a pleasant experience for the tournament’s corporate partners. Requirements: Suite marshals volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two 4-hour shifts. Be sure to comment in your volunteer application for a preference for suite marshal duties.
The tournament office volunteer team offers a unique opportunity to new or returning volunteers to support the operations of the Boeing Classic headquarters office located on the tournament grounds. The volunteer will become familiar with the organization of the tournament staff and will develop a working knowledge of the volunteer organization. Overall, this volunteer group maintains an air of flexibility by offering support whenever needs arise. Responsibilities will vary as the week progresses. Typically, the first four (4) days of the volunteer week involve helping the tournament staff  prepare for the start of the Play-It-Like-the-Pros Tournament on Monday, the Youth Clinic on Tuesday, and the Korean Air Pro-Am on Wednesday and Thursday. Throughout the tournament week, from Wednesday thru Sunday, the volunteers act as a point of contact to the public, spectators, and tournament personnel.  Volunteers will maintain the office reception area, field incoming phone calls, and manage the Lost and Found. Volunteering for this committee is a great opportunity to be involved with the tournament while not being required to perform more physical assignments, such as walking the course or standing for long periods of time.

Volunteer support operations (VSO) is a great committee for new or returning volunteers who would like to experience a variety of tasks during tournament week and get a flavor of different volunteer opportunities across the tournament. 

The VSO provides support wherever and whenever needs arise. Requests for assistance from other volunteer committees and tournament staff are varied and wide-ranging. Duties on Monday – Thursday may include opportunities to support the Play-It-Like-the-Pros Tournament on Monday and the Korean Air Pro-Am rounds on Wednesday and Thursday. Assignments on tournament competition days (Fri-Sun) vary from providing support in Volunteer Village, working with honorary observers, meeting last-minute requests from the tournament staff, as well as filling in on other committees as needs arise.

Volunteer food services is a responsibility of VSO and coordinates meals for volunteers. This includes supporting the food services available to volunteers in the hospitality area of Volunteer Village where donuts, coffee, sodas, and snacks are available—which makes us well liked by all committees!

The number and pace of assignments on any given shift is often unpredictable, and this committee is best suited for volunteers who are flexible and eager to assist in a variety of ways. Expect anything!

Requirements: Many positions require physical activity, including, but not limited to, lifting and carrying golf bags and boxes, walking portions of the course, or standing for periods of time. VSO volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the VSO committee.

Having fun with a great high-energy group, you will set the welcoming tone for all the tournament volunteers. This includes greeting them during orientation and helping them get ready for their experience by organizing uniforms and volunteer packages (credentials, parking passes, information guide, and other items) for those volunteers registered after June 12. Additionally, this role includes being on hand during orientation and tournament week to check volunteers in, provide them with their volunteer packages, answer questions, staff and support volunteer events, and get the volunteers off to a great Boeing Classic tournament week experience with your friendly face!

Requirements: Volunteer uniform volunteers must register for and work a minimum of two shifts on the volunteer uniform committee.

If you love the game of golf and appreciate the importance of every shot in a round, this is the team for you. Volunteers will walk with player groups and record player scores and statistics on either an electronic device or paper scorecard. Those that are scoring on the paper scorecard will be considered “walking marshals” and tasked with maintaining quiet from the spectators as well as assisting the standard bearer in keeping the correct scores posted. Training is provided by the PGA Tour Champions staff. This training takes place on the Saturday before the tournament starts in the volunteer tent at the course.

Requirements: Volunteers must be in good physical condition and are expected to walk all 18 holes per round. Work assignment will be a minimum of five hours within the workday hours listed below. Walking scorers volunteers must register for and work either a morning or afternoon shift on Wednesday and/or Thursday to be eligible to register for Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday walking scorers committee shifts. Volunteers must also register and work a minimum of two shifts on the walking scorers committee.